Benefits of a Home Water Filter

Having an in-Home Water Filter can have many benefits and depends on where you live and where your water comes from you may find it to be more of a need than a want and here in the Phoenix valley that is definitely the case.

The water in phoenix is very hard which can destroy your pipes and appliances and make your skin and hair dry.

Benefits of a Home Water Filter

Water filtration has come a long way over time and the process of filtering water can really make a huge difference in the taste, smell, and overall quality of the water entering your home.

Here are a few of the many benefits that you can get from adding a home water filter in your home.

  • Save Money

Everyone loves to save money and adding a home water filter to your home will save you money in multiple areas. Having great-tasting and great quality water coming straight out of the faucets in your home can save you a lot of money on no longer having to buy bottled water. Bottled water is an unnecessary cost that can add up significantly in a year, especially if you have a family. If your kids are like mine, then you find half-full bottles all over the house that don’t seem to belong to anyone.

There are many minerals, heavy metals, and chemicals found in our tap water that can cause damaging effects on your pipes and the appliances in your home. The buildup can instigate costly plumbing repairs on the pipes in your home and this in turn will make your appliances have to work harder and wear them out faster requiring you to make costly replacements.

When your water is saturated with all of these unwanted minerals and chemicals it also causes your soap to be less effective which requires you to use more soap than you should need to, and we all know that laundry detergent is not cheap.

  • Help the Environment

Most people are concerned with our environment and love having easy ways to help reduce their carbon footprint. Adding a Home Water Filter is a great and easy way to just that.

About 60 million plastic bottles are thrown away every day, yes per day! Using a refillable water bottle can make a big impact on our planet and knowing that you have great quality water in your home will make you happy as well, not to mention the money you save by not buying the bottled water.

  • Remove or Reduce Mineral Buildup

There are many minerals in our water that can mineral buildup and limescale. This buildup is not just unsightly it can cause your water to taste bad and is also the culprit for the buildup in your pipes and appliances that causes damage and repairs. Having a in Home Water Filter can help to reduce or eliminate these unwanted minerals

  • Clothes Last Longer and Look Better

The access chorine and the minerals in our water cause our clothes to fade and wear out faster and even feel dingy. Clothes are not cheap so adding a Water Filter in your home will help protect that favorite shirt.

  • Great-Tasting Water from Your Faucet

One of the biggest benefits of having an in-Home Water Filter is the fact that you have great tasting water in your own home. Better quality water for you and your family to drink and cook with and if you get a whole-home system you have better quality water in all faucets in your home which makes better, healthier water for showers and baths. 

  • Safer Water with Fewer Contaminants

Overall in one way or another, the water in your home comes in contact with your family every day in one way or another. When the water gets to your home it has been through treatment facilities and is considered safe for consumption and overall use, but there are still many contaminants that are left that can have harmful side effects to not only your plumbing but your health. We already discussed the minerals that are left behind and the harmful effects that they can have on you home but there are also harmful chemicals that are bad for our health. You can check your cities water quality and find out how they do on the water tests and the amounts and levels of chemicals and contaminants that are still present in our water. This will likely have you searching out Home Water Filter quotes quickly.

There a numerous Benefits of a Home Water Filter. You save money, which of course everyone loves, help mother nature, make your clothes look better and last longer and increase the life of your appliances. These money-saving benefits are undeniable, but you can also enjoy better-quality water in your home which better than saving money. Knowing that your family is consuming and absorbing the best quality water available is the greatest benefit of all.

If you are interested in learning more about how you can get a Home Water Filter then give us a call today. We will answer all of your questions on the different types of systems out there today and what will work best for your family’s needs. We look forward to doing business together.

Do I Need a Whole House Water Filtration System in Arizona?

This is a very common question and here at H2o Concepts we have broken it down so you can understand what it is, why you need one, and how ours differs from the competition. Like most household appliances all water systems are not created equal and there are so many different companies, models, and brands to choose from. To top that off there are many different styles to choose from.

So, What Is a Whole House Water Filtration System?

Basically, a Whole House Water Filtration System is exactly that, it is a water filtration system that is set up to filter out the impurities that are in the water that is entering your entire home. This way you have clean filtered water in your washer, dishwasher, icemakers, showers, and sinks; and they all have great tasting, great quality water flowing through them.

Do I really Need a Whole House Water Filtration System in Arizona?

Honestly, yes. Even though the water is safe to drink and meets EPA standards there are still many chemicals and contaminants in the water that can cause long-term harmful effects.  The water in your city is treated to kill deadly viruses like cholera, typhoid, and other deadly contaminates with chemicals like chlorine. This does the job of killing off these deadly contaminates but you really do not want to drink chlorinated water on a daily basis, nor do you really want to be bathing in it.

Why is an under the counter filtration system not sufficient? Simple, that system is only filtering the water to the specific faucet that is hooked up to. So yes, you may be getting great clean filtered water in your sink, but you are still washing clothes, dishes, and your bodies with chlorinated and contaminated water.

The water in Arizona is also extremely hard and hard water is harmful to your pipes and appliances as well as your skin and hair. Hard water damage can be costly to replace when it comes to the plumbing in your house or having to purchase new appliances.

How IS H2o Concepts Whole House Water Filtration System Different Than the Competition?  At H2o we have designed our own patented system. This is a salt-free water conditioning system combined with a state-of-the-art water filtration system and all in one space-saving tank.

Amp Force Technology

Our Patented Whole House Water Filtration System is powered by our Amp Force Technology. This process starts off by using energy to convert the hard water mineral calcium and magnesium into their soluble form. This process allows these necessary minerals to remain in your water without causing the hard water effects that the minerals cause in the natural state. This is a major difference that our systems have that others do not. This process does not add any unnecessary sodium to your water and does not require the wasteful and harmful backwashing process of other systems.

The second part of our Whole House Water Filtration System is the filter. We use a specialized water treatment media mixture. This will eliminate or reduce the amount of chlorine, minerals, and contaminants found in your water supply.

We are also the most certified green system on the market and made here in the USA. Our systems are virtually maintenance-free, with no monthly salt bags or even yearly filters to change out. Get it installed and forget about it.  We know that you will be satisfied and love our product and we know it will provide your home or office with the great tasting, great quality water that you are looking for and that is why we back our Whole House Water Filtration System with a 10-year no-nonsense warranty.

What is My First Step?

The first step is to give us a call at 623.582.5222 or fill out our contact form HERE and we can set up a call. We will send out a representative to come and test your water for you if you would like and then we can discuss your needs and find a system that will fit those needs and your budget. We look forward to talking to you today.

At H2o Concepts, we are committed to the safety of our customers and our employees and we want you to know that we are still installing our Whole House Water Filtration Systems and we have new procedures in place to keep everyone safe.

We want you to be able to freshest cleanest water possible and do not want our customers worried about our crew bringing any outside germs

All of our highly trained representatives will enter your homing wearing masks, gloves, and shoe covers. Our representatives will adhere to the social distancing standard of 6 feet apart at all times when possible. All materials that will be brought into your home will be properly sanitized after each appointment.

Here are some current recommendations to protect you from getting sick.

  • Avoid contact with anyone who is sick.
  • Stay home if you are or may be sick.
  • Cover your cough or sneeze. Preferably with a disposable tissue and discard immediately after use.
  • Avoid touching your face if possible.
  • Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds with soap.
  • If soap is unavailable use hand sanitizer.
  • Frequently clean or disinfect highly touched surfaces and objects.
  • Wear a mask in places where social distancing standards are not always possible, like a grocery store.

Since the outbreak and quarantine, we have learned that many jobs are possible to perform from home even those that we were previously told were not possible. Many large employers are now looking at how they will change to move forward and for many, it will be working from home or remotely more often.

Many people are finding themselves in this situation and many home improvements stores have been extremely busy with people using this opportunity to make upgrades and additions to their homes.

Here at H2o Concepts, we have had a high volume of people interested in now making that jump to getting a Whole House Water Filtration System or upgrading from an older model or switching from an outdated salt system. If you find yourself in this category, we would love to talk to you.

Our Whole House Water Filtration Systems are different than the rest. We use our patented Amp Force Technology to break down the hard water molecules that cause hard water. The water is then filtered through our high-quality filtration system to bring you amazing quality water from every tap inside your home.  Our systems are virtually maintenance-free, are made right here in the USA in Phoenix Arizona, and come with a 10-year no-nonsense warranty.

If you would like more information on one of our Whole House Water Filtration Systems or any of our other products you can contact us HERE or give us a CALL and we would love to talk to you about your needs and the best product to fit your needs and your budget. We look forward to talking to you and hope for the chance to earn your business.

Having hard water is very common in almost everywhere in the United States. Some states, cities, or specific areas in cities have “harder” water than others. Hard Water is real and is a very real problem that at some point you will have to do something about. It can have very costly effects on your plumbing and appliances.

What is Hard Water?

Many people have heard of hard water and that is bad but aren’t really sure what that really means. Hard water is the accumulation of calcium and magnesium in your water. This can happen in both city water and well water. The more calcium and magnesium that you have dissolved in your water the harder it is. This is the reason that hard water varies from region to region.

Is Hard water Safe?

Yes, hard water is safe. Hard Water is safe to drink, it is safe to cook and clean with. There are no real health concerns with hard water, but it can make your hair and skin feel dry and itchy and can cause dandruff. It makes you feel overall just less clean and if you have skin issues like eczema it can make your symptoms worsen. So, not really a health concern but it can definitely make things uncomfortable for you.

What are the Negative Side Effects of Hard Water?

Hard Water has negative effects on your body, your appliances, your plumbing, and your bank account. The hard water will eventually cause unsightly stains in your sinks and tubs and on your faucets.

It makes your laundry appear dingy and clothes wear out sooner with harder water. It can also require the use of more detergent because hard water causes the soap to not be very “soapy” and we all that laundry detergent is not cheap.

Eventually, the calcium and magnesium deposits will clog up your pipes. This causes your appliances to use more energy because they have to work harder. This will also eventually ruin your appliances and you will have to replace them sooner.

Signs That You have May Hard Water

If you feel like you may have hard water my first choice would say to have a professional out and have them test your water so that you can know exactly what is going on with the water coming into your house. There are also many websites out there that you can enter your zip code and find out about the water in your area.

There are a few signs around your house that are indicators that you may have Hard Water in your home.

– white-colored or other stains in your sinks or tubs

– build up around faucets

– spots on your dishes

– clothes are fading and wearing out faster than normal

– higher water bill or energy bill

– lower water pressure

– dry skin and hair

Hard Water issues are very common and affect everyone, the good news there are ways to fix them. At H2o Concepts, we have a whole house system that can combat all of your hard water issues. We can help no matter the size of your home and whether you have well water of city water we have a system for you.

Our whole-home system combines our patented Amp force Technology to break up the hard water molecules that cause hard water and then also filters out the impurities to give you the freshest water possible. Our systems are salt-free and require almost no maintenance and we back them with a 10-year no-nonsense warranty included.

If you would like to learn more about the water in your area or more specifically in your home, call us today. We will send out one of our qualified technicians to come out and test your water and find out a plan that is specific to your house and your family’s needs. We will talk over the different systems and find the one that is perfect for you. We will make sure that you are comfortable with all of the information that we give you and that we have answered all of your questions. After that, we will get your system installed and soon you will have better than bottled water in every tap in your home.

Contact us HERE or fill out our contact form HERE. We look forward to working with you and helping you have the best water possible for you and your family.

Being in quarantine is really starting to take its toll on people, some more than others. Living in the Phoenix area so far, we seem to have had what seems so far to be a mild version of what some of the eastern states and even California have been hit with. It appears to be a guessing game as to whether it will get worse here or not. In the meantime, more and more people are getting laid off and furloughed or just have little work to do. It seems so surreal to me still. Seeing everyone with masks on in public areas and the one in/one out at places like grocery stores that are still open still just seems so strange. I will be eager for things to go back to normal, although we may have a new normal on our hands after all of this.

I have noticed that people are less friendly than before, scared for someone to project germs on them by saying “Good Morning,” afraid of hugs and human contact. I hope that we don’t become even less connected to each other after all of this has subsided. At H2o Concepts we want our customer to know that we are here to help you with all of your whole home water filtration needs. We are taking extra precautions to ensure the safety of our customers and our employees. If you would like to schedule an appointment to have one of our qualified technicians come and give you an accurate quote for your particular home, we are still available, and you can contact us HERE.

An H2o Concepts Whole House Water Filtration System can make a huge difference in the lives of you and your family. We all want great-tasting clean water in our homes and our whole house systems can give you just that.

 Our filtration systems are a two-part system that not only filters your water but also eliminates the hard water issues we face here in Arizona. Our patented two-part system eliminates the need to have the extra under the sink systems to filter out the impurities in our water. A Reverse Osmosis system is a very common addition to many homes that have a traditional salt systems.

The salt systems use salt to replace the minerals that cause  your hard water, like magnesium and calcium. It is an ion exchange system that replaces those minerals with sodium or potassium. This does work in making the water “softer” but it then creates another issue with the addition of excess sodium or potassium being added to your tap water. This excess sodium is one of the reasons that a reverse osmosis system is then needed in addition to the salt system. The reverse osmosis systems filter out the impurities in the water and make it more suitable for drinking and cooking with. These under the sink R/O systems do a good job of making the water taste and smell better. They do have a few drawbacks though. The R/O systems take up a significant amount of room underneath (typically) the kitchen sink. They only filter the tap they are hooked up to and they require yearly maintenance of changing out the filters, which not the easiest filters to change out form my own personal experience.

The H2o Concepts Difference

At H2o Concepts, our Whole House Filtration Systems are different by design. We created a one tank system that can tackle both your hard water issues and give you amazing bottle water quality water straight out of every tap on your home. One of the best parts about our whole house systems is that they transform every single tap in your home, not just one. You can now have water in your bathroom that is making better water for your skin and hair. Better tasting water for brushing your teeth and safer water to bathe your children in.  Better tasting, smelling and safer water in your kitchen for cooking and drinking. Even better water straight out of your water hose. All of these features in one space-saving tank.


How it all works

Our two-part systems use energy in our patented Amp Force Technology to break down the hard water minerals instead of just replacing them with another substance that we then have to deal with. The second step is our KDF filter. We use only the best mediums to filter out the most impurities like chemicals, hard metals, and toxins from your water. There are many websites out there today where you can check the quality of water in your area, it may surprise you how many cities have high amounts of many cancer-causing agents in their tap water. If you would like for us to come out and test the water in your home, feel free to give us a call and we can have one of our qualified technicians come and give you an analysis.

We would love to earn your business and help you to have great tasting, great quality water in your home. Give us a call today or fill out our contact form and we will get in touch with you as soon as possible.

There many Benefits of a Home Water Filter 

What a huge difference a few weeks have made in our new normal as a society. The increase in cases of the Covid-19 has almost completely shut down everything as we know it. One month ago, it was a problem for other parts of the world and America was chugging along with business as usual. The Stock Market was doing great, housing markets soaring, unemployment rates down, Spring Training for the MLB in full swing, kids were on spring break and life was good. Fast forward a few weeks and just like that life has completely changed. The Stock Market is falling, restaurants have closed down, all sports are at complete halt, schools are closed and possibly not going back this calendar year, people are losing their jobs, grocery store shelves are empty, and even worse people are sick and even dying.

It is almost surreal most of the time, it feels like a scene from a movie and unfortunately, this is our life at the moment. One of the things that I have noticed and that is that bottled water is flying off of the shelves as fast as the stores can get it stocked. I haven’t bought one bottle, but then again I rarely do. That is one of the main Benefits of a Home Water Filter. I have bottled water quality water coming straight out of every tap in my home.

Why you should ditch the bottle

First of all, not having to ever buy bottled water is extremely convenient not to mention it is way better for the environment. Bottled water has become so widely popular in my opinion because of its convenience. Grabbing a small prefilled bottled at the store is perfect for running errands or sitting at kids’ soccer games.  I am pretty sure the water companies know this as well, that is why a gallon of water at the store is cheaper than a 20-ounce bottle. The smaller bottle is easier to carry around than a gallon jug.

This convenience is really costing us in the long run though, financially and environmentally. The financial impact is different for each person, but it does seem silly to pay extra for something you have coming out of your faucet. Americans in general will spend over 15 billion dollars a year on bottled water…think of where else that could be going.

The environmental impact is huge and growing. Mother nature is probably the biggest advocate against the plastic bottled water trend. It is estimated that over 1,200 plastic water bottles go into a landfill or the ocean every second. The bottles polluted both land and water and are a danger to sea life. Even in landfills, the plastic bottles are leaking harmful chemicals into the ground.

The plastic bottles are also very harmful to animals in the water and on land. The polluted water bottles can harm the animals in many ways, they can be harmed by eating the plastic and possibly choking, broken plastic can cut them, or they get caught up in it making them unable to move or hunt their own food. Plastic pollution is bad in every way for the animals big and small that encounter it. Many marine animals are found dead with plastic-filled intestines and stomachs.

What are the alternatives

At H2o Concepts, we have an alternative that can help. Our whole home water filtration systems can help filter the water in your home and make it better than bottled. This Benefit of a Home Water Filter is that now you are getting the quality water that you are looking for in the store-bought bottled without the expensive price tag. Not only are you saving yourself money on no longer buying the bottles, but you are helping our planet.  Over a million plastic bottles have been sold while you read this post alone. A family no longer buying bottled water can save the family hundreds of dollars a year and keeps thousands of bottles out of our oceans, lakes, and landfills. Making a difference in our planet’s future is reason enough to stop using plastic bottles.

Ready to make a change

If you are ready to ditch the plastic bottles and make a positive change both financially for you and environmentally for the planet then give us a call today. We can further discuss all of the Benefits of a Home Water Filter and all of the options we have at H2o Concepts. We can find the product that will fit your family and family budget best and get you drinking better than bottled water out of every tap in your home in no time.

There are a lot of different systems on the market to help you get your water softened or conditioned. Maybe you do not even know what softened or conditioned water means and that is ok, we are here to help. Many states have areas with naturally hard water. Hard water is water with large amounts of calcium and magnesium in it. These minerals in the water will leave build up inside your pipes and the white build up around your faucets as well.  Over time these build up will ruin your pipes and appliances and cost you more money. Hard water makes your skin feel dry and itchy as well. The hard water minerals make it more difficult for soap to get “soapy” and this causes soap scum to be left behind on your skin, not only does this make your skin feel dry and itchy but it can clog your pores causing more breakouts and cause or worsen skin conditions like eczema.

Along with damaging your appliances and skin, having hard water can be costly.  When the hard water minerals make the soap not “soapy” this causes you to use more soap than normal for washing clothes, dishes, and your body. More soap equals more money. As the hard water builds up mineral deposits inside of your pipes your appliances begin to run less efficiently and this extra work for the appliances causes an increase in your energy usage. More energy use equals more money. The extra work on the appliances also wears them out faster than normal so you will be purchasing a new dishwasher, hot water heater, etc. before expected. New appliances equals more money. Basically, hard water equals more money.

Now that we know why we want to soften or condition the hard water we need to know how to. At H2o Concepts, we use a salt-free system to condition water and our biggest competitor is the traditional salt-based system.  So, what’s the difference between a salt system and a salt-free system? At H2o Concepts, we have the premier non-salt system for your whole home. We feel that salt-free is definitely the way to go. Here are some comparisons of the traditional salt system and our salt-free Whole Home Water Filtration Systems.

Salt and No salt

Obviously, the biggest difference is salt and the lack of salt. A traditional salt system uses the salt to replace the hard water minerals like calcium and magnesium. It is an ion exchange system, meaning it replaces calcium and magnesium with sodium. Our whole systems are salt-free and work in a totally different way. We do not exchange any of the ions. The H2o system is actually our own patented system called Amp Force. Our Amp Force System uses energy to break down the calcium and magnesium bicarbonate into a soluble form which eliminates hard water and the issues that come with it while leaving the vital minerals that your body needs and not adding excess sodium.

Water Waste

Another big difference between a traditional salt system and our H2o Concepts Whole Home Water Filtration Systems is water waste. We have been certified green and are one of the greenest systems on the market today. The H2o Whole Home Water Filtration Systems does not have a backwash cycle which is where a traditional salt system wastes the majority of its water. A home saltwater system will waste over 150 gallons on average a week. Here a few other water usage comparisons for perspective.


  • Average dishwasher uses about 6 gallons per cycle.
  • Washing machines use about 13-40 gallons per load depending on its energy-efficient rating.
  • Toilets average around 3 gallons per flush.
  • People use around 100 gallons each per day in the homes.

As you can see, we as humans use very large amounts of water on a daily basis and adding unnecessary waste of water is not good for our environment. This is not only harmful to our planet because of the waste of our natural resource but the salty runoff is harmful to plants, fish and other animals. There are many towns and cities that are banning salt systems due to their harmful effects.

The H2o Concepts Difference

Our system is different. We pride ourselves on our systems being eco-friendly, made in the USA, right here in Phoenix, Arizona and helping our customers to have the cleanest best tasting water available in their homes. Our Whole Home Water Filtration Systems are not just a water condition, they also combine a highly advances water filtration system inside the same tank. Saving you not only space but the need for a separate system to make your salt-filled water more drinkable and better tasting. Give one of our knowledgeable associates a call today and let us help you decide if our system is right for you. We can help you go over the differences and make a decision that is right for you and your family.

Whole House Water Filtration System

Many homes have a filtration system in their home to help make their water cleaner, healthier and better-tasting.  Most of these homes then have another system in the home to “soften” the hard water we are cursed with here in Arizona. At H2o Concepts, we have created a perfect solution to both problems in one space-saving, money-saving Whole House Water Filtration System. Our system uses our patented Amp Force technology to break down the hard water minerals and turn them into a soluble form that leaves them in the water so you can absorb the needed nutrients from the calcium and magnesium without them causing the hard water issues that cause your skin to feel dry, soap not become “soapy” and damage to your appliances.

Benefits of a Whole House Water Filtration System

There are numerous websites you can go to see how the quality of the water in your area compares. You can search “what’s in my water” and you will get the EWG, EPA and many more sites that you can see how your water measures up. If you live anywhere pretty much in the Phoenix area you will see that your water is not only hard but pretty contaminated as well, and some of it is pretty harmful stuff that you do not want in your water or your family’s bodies.

Our Whole House Water Filtration System will bring great tasting water to every faucet to your home. It will reduce or eliminate chlorine, heavy metals and contaminants from your water. You will have healthier skin and hair and they are proven to reduce hard water problems. A few added benefits to our H2o Concepts Whole House Water Filtration System is our patented Amp Force technology, KDF Media, a 10-year warranty, and no salt to buy!

Our Media:

The H2o Concepts KDF Media is designed specifically to reduce or eliminate the chlorine and heavy metals found in our water. It is also designed to control the bacteria, algae and scale build-up and has received several certifications.

Amp Force technology:

Unlike a traditional salt system, our technology uses energy to change the hard water minerals into a soluble form to prevent the hard water build-up instead of just replacing them with sodium or potassium. This leaves the vital nutrients we need and doesn’t add excess sodium to our water or unnecessary waste of water with the backwash which also makes us the most green system on today’s market.

Check out some of our videos HERE and see our amp force technology in action on our Whole House Water Filtration System.

 We would love for you to give us a CALL or fill out our CONTACT form so that we can talk to you about all that H2o has to offer you in a Whole House Water Filtration System. We can help you navigate through all of your questions and concerns and find the solution that best fits your family’s needs. Our knowledgeable staff would love to earn your business today!

Why Own a Water Filtration System?

Yesterday sitting in a waiting room, I sat next to a young couple who had just moved to the area a few months ago. I overheard them talking about their new home and neighborhood, paint colors they want to change, plants they would like to plant and renovations they would like to make. I remember the days of being a young homeowner and doing all the same things.

I remember always rushing to “make it our own”. We were notorious for pulling up plants and changing the yard too soon. The realizing later that bush was there for a reason, or nothing was there because the drainage is bad in that low area of the yard, etc. Now that we have owned several homes we have a rule on making big changes to the outdoor plants, and that is to give it one year so you can see all the seasons and then see if they serve a purpose you didn’t notice before or maybe they flower beautifully later in the year. We have decided that when it comes to jumping in and making changes to a new-to-us-home, we want to give some of the aesthetics a pause and time. We do on the other hand find that replacing worn-out appliances right away can save you money on water electricity and that if the home does not have a water filtration system currently installed that is one of the first items on our list.

Many people ask Why Own a Water Filtration System, is it really that important? The truth of the matter is, yes, it is in fact that important. You and your family use water every single day all day long for many different reasons: cooking, bathing and most importantly drinking. With such an increase in cancer rates over the last few decades we have learned that what we put into our bodies is very important and does matter, a great deal.

So, you ask the question, Why Own a Water Filtration System? My first answer is because you want to have water that does not corrode and ruin the plumbing in your home. Hard water that is not managed will cause build up in your pipes and ruin your appliances and run up your bills.

Why Own a Water Filtration System? My second answer is because you wash your body and clothes with this water. Your skin absorbs a large amount of all of the minerals in the water in only a few minutes of bathing in it. You want the best water possible to be bathing in on a daily basis. Hard mineral-packed water wears away at your clothes quicker and makes the soap less effective, so you end up using more soap and spending more money.

Why Own a Water Filtration System? My final reason is that you cook and drink with this water. You can save yourself from having to buy bottled water to drink and other systems to make clean water to cook with. No one wants less than perfect quality going into their families or their own bodies!

Our H2o Concepts system is the best answer out there for Why Own a Water Filtration System? We would love to talk to you about the differences we have made in so many homes and lives in the Phoenix area. Our whole-home systems combine both water filtration and water softening into one! Call us today and we can get you drinking better than bottled water out of every tap in your home!

Are you trying to decide which water softener system is best for you? If you’re concerned about your sodium levels in your diet, as well as the effects of your wastewater on the environment, switching to an Arizona Best Non-Salt Water Softener might be the answer you’re looking for.  At H2O Concepts, we have many water softener options containing no salt. Reach out to us today to see how we can improve your water softening system today!

What Does An Arizona Best Non-Salt Water Softener Do?

When water comes into your house, it runs through a water softener.  Water softeners remove containments and odors from your water. A no-salt softener operates a little differently than a sodium-based water softener.  You will not need to buy salt or anything else to add to the system which makes it much more efficient and lower maintenance than the typical salt system.

In a salt system the calcium and magnesium ions that make water hard, attach to the resin and then there is an ion exchange of sodium for the calcium and magnesium. The mineral deposits cling to the resin and the now softened and sodium-filled water exits the softener tank and flows throughout the house.

You will notice a significant improvement in the taste of your water once it’s been filtered through your Arizona Best Non-Salt Water Softener rather than water that is filtered through a salt-based water softener.

What Are Some Of The Benefits Of An Arizona Best Non-Salt Water Softener

People with high blood pressure or hypertension would benefit the most from switching off a sodium-based water softener. An Arizona Best Non-Salt Water Softener will eliminate excess sodium from your drinking water.

Environmentally conscious consumers will be happy to hear that switching to an Arizona Best Non-Salt Water Softener is also a great choice for the Earth. Many states are banning sodium water softeners because of the wastewater that comes from your drains contains sodium. This wastewater gets into the groundwater and local watersheds adding extra sodium to the ecosystem. Sodium in the groundwater can affect local water quality and can be harmful to the soil, vegetation, and aquatic life.

With an Arizona Best Non-Salt Water Softener, the wastewater from your house will contain no sodium.  Some towns collect wastewater to give it to farmers to help irrigate their crops. This is only possible with water that does not contain excess sodium.

Before switching to an Arizona Best Non-Salt Water Softener you should give us a call and we will be happy to talk through all the options with you. If you are considering making the switch, be sure to weigh the extra costs with other systems as well as the benefits of going saltless.

The H2O Concepts Difference

If you’re considering alternative water softener options like an Arizona Best Non-Salt Water Softenerthen contact H2O Concepts today. We have a variety of water softener options for your home to keep your water tasting fresh and crisp.