Having clean water in your home has many benefits besides improving the taste. Although we rely on our faucets for drinking water, think about the other things we use water for. Bathing to start, and washing our hands, clothes, and dishes. It’s not just people that use the water in your home, appliances and pipes use water too. The Importance of An In-Home Water Filter System has more answers than you’d expect.

Contact H2O Concepts to start experiencing clearly better water. With varying size filtration systems designed to combat common municipal and well water problems, we guarantee we have a solution for you.

Benefits of an In-Home Water Filter System

H2O Concepts has water filters and water softening systems that produce cleaner water. Our systems are environmentally friendly because they don’t require bags of salt and don’t have a brine that needs to be flushed on a regular basis. With our patented AMP Force Technology, your water system will need very little maintenance or upkeep. In fact, most of our products come with a 10-year no-nonsense warranty.

These reasons are great, but here are some more benefits of an In-Home Water Filter System:

Increases the Longevity of Appliances and Pipes

Do you notice that when you run your dishes through the dishwasher they come out with spots? Do have to do a load of wash twice before your clothes are clean? Issues like these come from hard water. Hard water is made of calcium, magnesium, and iron, and the spots you see are deposits from the water. Over time, this buildup occurs in places that you can’t see. Places like the inside of your pipes, water heater, washing machine, and dishwasher. With enough time, the buildup can cause appliances to run inefficiently or even damage.

If you’re currently experiencing hard water in your home, look at your shower head. You probably have to do regular cleaning to get water to come out of every hole. The deposits from the hard water cause the clogs in your showerheads. Now imagine how your washing machine could get clogged from these deposits. The Importance of an In-Home Water Filter keeps your appliances working properly and your pipes clear of deposits. This will help save you money on new appliances or water damage from a burst pipe in the long run.

Better Skin and Hair

The calcium, magnesium, and iron in your hard water can cause prevent soaps from lathering up properly. You may have noticed it takes extra soap to wash your hair and body when you’re in the shower. Or maybe your soap feels slimy and not as bubbly as you’d expect.

When you eliminate hard water in your home, soap will react better to the water, causing more suds and cleaner hair. A little bit will go a long way, and you’ll notice. You’ll use less soap over time, so you’ll save more on shampoo, conditioner, and body wash over time. Once you call H2O Concepts and have an In-House Water Filter installed, you’ll notice less dry skin and cleaner more manageable hair.

Cleaner Clothes and Dishes

Soap works better in water that isn’t hard and filled with chemicals. This doesn’t just apply to hand soap and shampoo, but also laundry detergent and dish soap as well. A little dab will do you good and you’ll notice the effectiveness right away. Since you’ll use less, you’ll save money because you won’t have to rewash clothes or dishes again.

Others have also noticed that the taste of their water has improved after having an In-Home Water Filter installed. Many experience better taste when boiling or steaming food. Better tasting water can also improve the flavors of coffee, tea, and juice.

Call H2O Concepts Today To Learn More About The Importance of An In-Home Water Filter System

Your appliances, dishes, and hair are just some of the things that will appreciate the change. In the end, you’ll save a lot of time and money from using less soap and water and maintenance on your appliances. Call H2O Concepts today to learn more about how an In-Home Water Filter System can help improve the quality of water in your home.

If you’re on municipal water, your local water company filters the water to make it safe to drink. But when the water moves from the water treatment facility to your home, it picks up chemicals from the pipes. When the water comes out of your taps, you don’t know how clean the water is. Pitchers with water filters can only do so much, and only affect the water you drink. If you want the water in your shower, washing machine, and dishwasher to be clean as the water in your pitcher, then it’s a good idea to get Phoenix Home Water Filters that can deliver clean water throughout your home.

H2O Concepts whole house water filtration systems deliver on water quality and taste. You’ll notice an improvement right away. Paired with our patented AMP Force water softener technology to remove hard water, you’ll be drinking clearly better water in no time. Contact H2O Concepts today to learn more.

Phoenix Home Water Filters Ideal For Different Water Quality Issues

You may have heard a lot about water softeners and filters. Filters take out chemicals and debris in your water, so it maintains great quality. At H2O Concepts, we offer 3 different kinds of Phoenix Home Water Filters that can help combat common water quality issues you may be experiencing.

Reverse Osmosis

Generally regarded as the best whole house filtration system, reverse osmosis filters use air pressure to force water through a semi-permeable membrane. Reverse Osmosis filters almost all containments out of the system.

Water filtration in a reverse osmosis filter takes 5 to 7 stages. You may even find reverse osmosis systems that can produce alkaline water. Alkaline water has a higher pH balance than normal water. Studies have shown it neutralizes acids in the body.

Cation Exchange Filtration

This filtration system is commonly known as “water softeners,” or “ion exchange filters”. Positively charged ions are used to attract negatively charged ions that are harmful such as barium and calcium. Barium, Calcium, and Magnesium are what make up hard water. Having a cation exchange filter can help save you in plumbing costs in the long run. At H2O Concepts, some of our Phoenix Home Water Filters feature our patented AMP Force Technology filters. These are great cation exchange filters that are proven to be effective against hard water without the need for salt.

Activated Carbon

Most of the H2O Concept products are activated carbon filters. They are the most common and relatively inexpensive when you compare them to other water filtration systems. Carbon filters are great for removing heavy metals, parasites, and chemicals present in your drinking water. Water flows through an activated carbon filter before it flows out of a sink or faucet. These Phoenix Home Water Filter systems can be just one tank that takes care of your entire house or you can have smaller filters installed in commonly used sinks.

How Do I Know Which Phoenix Home Water Filter Is Right For Me?

With so many awesome water filters on the market today, it’s hard to decide which one will work best for you and your family. If you’re very concerned about the chemicals in your water because you are on a well, or you have particular health issues, reverse osmosis is probably the best for you.

However, H2O Concepts has many non-reverse osmosis filters that can address your water quality concerns. Fluoride is added to the water to help improve dental health. With our superior filtration technology, our systems can remove that fluoride for you.

Being on a well has advantages and disadvantages. Depending on your well, your water may have a certain taste. Sometimes the chemicals in the earth can make your well water hard. You may need both a water filter and a water softener. Our combo systems that include both activated carbon filtration and AMP Force water softening technology are ideal for those on well water.

Most of our Phoenix Home Water Filter systems include the AMP force technology to help reduce the buildup of water scale. You’ll notice cleaner dishes, clothes, and skin right away.

Call H2O Concepts Today To Start Enjoying Clearly Better Water

To learn more about our different Phoenix Home Water Filter options and how they can help your home, contact us today to schedule an appointment.